About me

I’m an academic in the School of Creative Arts at the University of Hertfordshire. I used to be a journalist, and then I was a webmaster for news organisations, and then I taught journalism and media for more than a decade, and now I attend meetings (and do a lot of other things as well). I also research the impact of technology on journalism practice. I am the co-author of Social Media for Journalists: Principles and Practice, published by Sage in May 2013.

My research is periodically updated at my Academia.edu page, and I maintain a public profile on LinkedIn. I take quite a lot of pictures, which you can see on my Flickr Page. I am on Mastodon.

I’ve lived in Canada, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates and now I live in England. I’m peripatetic, to say the least, but I do seem to be slowing down and spending more time in each place as I go.

I cook, and have cats, and worry about the bees and other wildlife.

2 thoughts on “About me”

  1. Hi Megan,

    I wanted to say thank you for a very interesting talk on Friday. If you’re interested in seeing some of the Financial Times efforts in visualising the migrant crisis we have a few examples on our pintrest page:


    Also, you mentioned a motion graphic produced by a charity or NGO(?) – could you remind me who it was?

    Many thanks,
    Chris Campbell
    Graphics, FT

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